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November 15, 2022

2022 Connecticut Election Summary

While a handful of recounts are still pending, the results are unlikely to change the large majorities held by Democrats in the Senate and the House. Based on unofficial vote tallies, Democrats will likely maintain their 97-54 margin in the House and — at a minimum — their 23-13 margin in the Senate when the Legislature convenes on January 4, 2023. Apart from any changes resulting from pending recounts, 33 newly elected Senators and Representatives will begin to serve the first half of their two-year term when the legislature convenes, and 2 newly elected Constitutional Officers (Erik Russel-Treasurer, Stephanie Thomas-SOTS) will begin to serve their 4-year terms.

The House Democratic caucus has re-elected Rep. Matt Ritter and Rep. Jason Rojas to serve second terms as Speaker of the House and Majority Leader, respectively. The House Republican caucus has re-elected Rep. Vincent Candelora to be the House Minority Leader.

The Senate Democratic caucus re-elected Martin Looney to serve as Senate President and the Senate Republican caucus re-elected Kevin Kelly to serve as the Senate Republican Leader.

We are still awaiting confirmation on additional elections for leadership roles in the House and Senate, as well as committee assignments. These appointments are likely to be made in or around December 2023. We will continue to monitor these important action items and keep you apprised of any updates.

Changes in the Senate:
Democrats gained control of the 20th senate district with Martha Marx replacing Paul Formica who did not seek reelection.
Democrats retained control of the 4th senate district with MD Rahman replacing Steve Cassano.
Republicans retained control of the 8th senate district with Lisa Seminara replacing Kevin Witkos who did not seek reelection. A recount is expected.
Democrats retained control of the 13th senate district with Jan Hocadel replacing incumbent Mary Daugherty Abrams who did not seek reelection.
Democrats retained control of the 23rd senate district with Herron Gaston replacing incumbent Dennis Bradley.
Democrats retained control of the 26th senate district with Ceci Maher replacing incumbet Will Haskell who did not seek reelection.
Republicans retained control of the 35th senate district with Jeff Gordon replacing Dan Champagne who did not seek reelection.
Republicans retained control of the 30th senate district with Stephen Harding replacing Craig Miner who did not seek reelection.

Changes in the House:
Republicans retained control of the 107th district with Marty Foncello replacing Stephen Harding who was elected to replace retiring Senator Craig Minor in the 30th senate district.
Democrats retained control of the 109th district with Farley Santos replacing David Arconti who did not seek reelection.
Republicans gained control of the 120th district with Laura Dancho defeating incumbent Joseph Young.
Democrats retained control of the 126th district with Fred Gee replacing Charlie Stallworth who did not seek reelection.
Democrats retained control of the 127th district with Marcus Brown replacing incumbent Jack Hennessy.
Democrats retained control of the 16th district with Melissa Osborne replacing John Hampton who did not seek reelection.
Republicans retained control of the 22nd district with Francis Cooley replacing William Petit who did not seek reelection.
Republicans gained control of the 35th district with Chris Aniskovich defeating incumbent Christine Goupil.
Democrats retained control of the 51st district with Aundre Bumgardner replacing Jose De La Cruz who did not seek reelection.
Democrats gained control of the 42nd district with Keith Denning replacing Mike France who vacated the seat to run for the 2nd congressional district.
Democrats retained control of the 46th district with Derell Wilson replacing Emmett Riley who did not seek reelection.
Republicans gained control of the 120th district with Mark Decaprio replacing incumbent Brain Smith who did not seek reelection.
Republicans retained control of the 55th district with Steve Weir replacing Robin Green who did not seek reelection.
Democrats retained control of the 56th district with Kevin Brown replacing Michael Winkler who did not seek reelection.
Republicans retained control of the 70th district with Seth Bronko replacing Rosa Rebimbas who did not seek reelection.
Republicans retained control of the 66th district with Karen Reddington-Hughes replacing David Wilson who did not seek reelection.
Democrats retained control of the 79th district with Mary Fortier replacing Chris Ziogas who did not seek reelection.
Democrats gained control of the 81st district with Christopher Poulos replacing John Fusco who did not seek reelection.
Democrats retained control of the 83rd district with Jonathan Fazzino replacing Catherine Abercrombie who did not seek reelection.
Democrats retained control of the 98th district with Moira Rader replacing Sean Scanlon who vacated the seat to run for Comptroller.
Democrats gained control of the 134th district with Sarah Keitt replacing Laura Devlin who vacated the seat to run as Lieutenant Governor with Bob Stefanowski. A recount is expected.
Democrats retained control of the 137th district with Kadeem Roberts replacing Chris Perone who did not seek reelection.
Republicans gained control of the 138th district with Rachel Chaleski defeating incumbent Ken Gucker. A recount is expected.
Democrats retained control of the 143rd district with Dominique Johnson replacing Stephanie Thomas who vacated the seat to run for Secretary of the State.
Democrats gained control of the 149th district with Rachel Khanna defeating incumbent Kimberley Fiorello.
Democrats gained control of the 151st district with Hector Arzeno replacing incumbent Harry Arora who vacated the seat to run for State Treasurer.